Week in the Life 2019 :: Friday Words + Photos

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For Friday of Week in the Life I decided to focus on the story lens of “Real life is…”. I got this idea from Ali Edwards’ Monday post for Week in the Life 2018 and loved using this prompt as a way to look for the real and true stories of this day in our lives.

Real life is sleeping in this morning and skipping exercise because I stayed up way too late last night (didn’t crawl into bed until after 1am). 

Real life is Ruby loves to snuggle, but only on her terms. She is very forceful with her snuggles in the morning and doesn’t like when I’m on my phone instead of snuggling or petting her as much as she thinks I should be!

Real life is while Shawn is at therapy this morning, I am home taking care of Ruby’s morning routine, gift wrapping for the party this weekend, making breakfast, and doing some work.

Real life is making scrambled eggs for breakfast on the days I don’t have to go to work. I don’t know why I think this is a more involved or time-consuming breakfast, but I do, so I save it for days I can sit down and eat.

Real life is that half our kitchen counter is a mess. That our game room / dining room table still has a game out from Monday that we have intended to play again most evenings this week. Our lives and our home are not perfect in any way, shape, or form, but we do the best with what we have. This is evidence of our life, evidence that we are living people with flaws and messes, and that it is okay. These messes do not define us or make us bad people. No one who matters cares if we have a little bit of clutter! Real life is that I need to remember this more often.  

Real life is that yesterday and today have been and will be slightly chaotic. Our minds feel like they are in a million places as we juggle work, every day normal life, multiple doctors appointments, Lauren’s surgery and changing expectations, and Mom Mom being sick and trying to help out with that. Trying to remember all the details and to-dos is feeling overwhelming.

Real life is a sunny and beautiful afternoon and we are enjoying driving around with the top down on the Jeep. The sun feels amazing after a couple cooler, cloudy days. 

Real life is that we love our primary care physician. Neither of us have been big fans of doctors throughout our adult life, but we stumbled upon Johannah accidentally and completely lucked out. She is attentive, supportive, warm, and understanding. She is great with handling my anxiety and always considers that when administering care. For Shawn she is gentle in her demands and suggestions and tries to give him manageable, actionable steps to take toward his goals. She’s amazing and we love her! Today Shawn was in for a few different issues and left with a good bit of homework before his next follow up. All good steps toward better health.

Real life is that the beautiful weather from earlier today is gone. The rain has finally set in and is reported to be sticking around for a while. Have I mentioned that I dislike rain, a lot?

Real life is stopping for ice cream in the middle of the day because we want to and we can. 

Real life is taking a much needed nap at 5pm and sleeping for two hours. I’m battling a headache and it’s just been a long week for both of us. 

Real life is that we eat out way more than we should. I feel like we are about to enter a season of cutting back on this habit though which will align well with some of our health and financial goals. 

Real life is gearing up to trim Ruby’s nails in a new way tonight, using the mounted harness in the garage. Feeling nervous about how it’s going to go. 

Real life is our dog suspended in a harness from the ceiling of our garage while I feed her yummy things and Dad tries to trim her nails. We had a lot of success!! Got all nails trimmed at least a little and she didn’t bee-line to the door when we released her. 

Real life is tons of praise, snuggles and affection, and getting to lick the empty peanut butter jar for a job well done for Ruby before she hears a crack of thunder and wants to retreat to bed – which we let her do because she has already been brave enough tonight.

Real life is listening to our full Tom Petty catalogue on shuffle while we dive into Imperial Assault Campaign Mode!

Real life is Shawn seed-bombing the runoff pond with wildflower seeds under the cover of night! Lol! We’ve been thinking a lot about a pollinator garden, but can’t do it in our yard because of HOA regulations. A few weeks ago Shawn had the idea to plant wildflowers in the runoff pond in our neighborhood inside the fence so they won’t be cut down and can hopefully grow into a pollinator haven. He needed to wait for a time when it was going to be rainy, but also a break in the rain, tonight was that night. Excited to see what takes shape!

Real life is climbing into bed just before 1am (again), and wondering why I’m tired?!? Ha! Getting my blog post ready for tomorrow and setting the alarm later than usual.

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