Week in the Life 2020 | Friday Words + Photos

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This week I am participating in Ali EdwardsWeek in the Life project. It is a seven-day documentary project taking a deep dive into the details of our everyday lives through words and photos. This year I hope to share most of my words and photos from each day here on the blog. For each day this year I am using a different story lens to guide my storytelling and I’m aiming to end up with 13 or so photos for each day.

For Friday I used the story lens “Today I…” which is another new one for me. I enjoyed it as a way to tell a mix of stories about what I was doing as well as how I was feeling. I have really enjoyed trying a few new lenses this week. Here are some of my words and photos from Friday.

Today I woke up feeling really good. I felt well-rested and excited for the day. 

Today I am eagerly awaiting the delivery of my new Switch! It can’t get here fast enough and I am trying to keep myself busy until it arrives. 

Today I went for a run. I haven’t always said that. Up until the last couple of weeks, I would say that I was going for a walk. Then I would add, after the fact,  that maybe I jogged a little during the walk. I would only log my workout as a walk on my Apple Watch, even if I “jogged” for a good bit of it. I just didn’t feel confident in calling myself a “runner”. I’m still not sure I do. But I do run, and it is slow, but it is running. Today’s run was a repeat of the Couch to 5K Week Three training sessions. I completed all three of them already for Week Three, but the longest running segment is 3 minutes and I can’t yet run that full time, so I am going to try to repeat these sessions until I can. It is hard, but it feels so good when it’s done!

Today I enjoyed Chick-fil-a for breakfast. Shawn suggested it last night as we were going to bed and I am glad he did. He ordered and picked it up while I was out for my run so it was ready just a few minutes after I got back. It was yummy!

Today I felt validated, seen, and heard regarding my work. Today I was recognized for my expertise. And it felt incredible. I think it’s been longer than I’ve realized since someone (other than Shawn) truly heard me and my ideas about my work. It felt so good to be on a call with a client this morning to discuss curriculum we were hired to edit and have my ideas accepted for how to make this project so much better. It was meaningful to me to have others echo the same ideas and for me to feel like I know what I’m talking about. I haven’t felt this excited about a project in a very long time. 

Today I put on a fresh pair of leggings and didn’t feel like I needed to make excuses for why I’m dressing comfortably or explain it. I just feel good in my body and I have been dressing in clothes that make me feel good. A few days ago, I heard on an episode of the Feel Good Effect podcast the idea of “should or good” and it has been bouncing around in the back of my head since then. Dressing in ways that make me comfortable and make me feel good in my body are definitely good.

Today I got a little work done for Created by Steph. I finished editing a video and got it exported, made a list of all the little content related tasks that have been floating around in my mind, and started looking ahead to plan next week. I didn’t do much work this week, so there’s plenty that’s waiting for me. 

Today I ate lunch on the deck with Shawn and Ruby and truly enjoyed the amazing weather! It’s in the low 80s here today and the sun is shining bright! I love taking a mid-day break to be together and if we can be outside together, even better!

Today I weeded the front yard. Last year we removed our ‘garden’ area and planted grass seed in there instead. We can’t grow anything, and aren’t interested in doing so,  so having that space just meant we had to mulch and weed it all the time for nothing. The seed only took in some areas, so it definitely needs to be done again and we missed mulching in the fall, so the area at the base of our tree needed some attention too. It was super hot in the afternoon sun and I was super sweaty by the time I finished, but it was worth it to have this task done. Next is to lay down some weed-guard and then mulch the areas that need it and replant some grass.

Today I got my very own Nintendo Switch! I got the handheld-only version and it’s a beautiful teal color! And I’m so excited! Now this means we can start a new island in Animal Crossing and I can work to build it out. We plan to both play on both islands to make development go faster, it’s just going to be so much fun!

Today I watched as Shawn caught and trapped a wasp that flew into our house. Ruby loves being on the deck and we often just leave the door open wide enough for her to come and go as she pleases. I don’t think we will be so quick to do that going forward after today! We had seen a wasp hanging around the deck when we were out for lunch and wouldn’t you know, it flew right inside the living room! Thank goodness Ruby is a bug hunter because the only way we knew it came in the house is because she came barreling in after it. Shawn smacked it down with a piece of cardboard and tried to squish it, with no success. So he grabbed a container with lid and captured it instead. What an adventure, especially while I was on a Zoom call with Jonathan!

Today I savored the warm evening weather as we played Animal Crossing (on our individual Switches) and sat by the fire. Slow, intentional moments like this have been such a gift during this crazy season of life. Slow, intentional moments like this are what I hope to carry forth out of this time. 

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