
Week in the Life 2020 | Sunday Words + Photos

posted in: Projects, Week in the Life™ | 0

This is the first year I’ve participated in this project that I am relieved it is Sunday and the final day of documenting. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that all our days have taken place at home, so there’s no major difference between the weekdays and weekend days that has me losing steam or what, but I will be glad to be done with the documenting portion of this project.

Week in the Life 2020 | Saturday Words + Photos

posted in: Projects, Week in the Life™ | 0

Saturday was the day this week that I took the least amount of photos and struggled a little with motivation to keep going. I have not experienced that in previous years, but I think, mentally, I was struggling a bit more yesterday than other days. The reality of still being under a stay-at-home order felt a little stifling yesterday, and we had to find some ways to balance that out. We managed to get out for a nice drive to and car picnic and spent the late morning outside playing video games.