Pieces of Us | Day Five
Hitting the ground running this morning on this busy busy day. Already thinking about the prompt of ‘half face’ and what that means to me and how it shows up in my life.
Hitting the ground running this morning on this busy busy day. Already thinking about the prompt of ‘half face’ and what that means to me and how it shows up in my life.
For some reason I have zero problem with face forward photos, I take those often. But photos of my eyes closed feels exceptionally vulnerable. Pushing outside my comfort zone today to try to capture some photos I normally would avoid.
This face is happy to feel the warmth of the sun beating down on it at the end of a walk this morning. This face is flush from wearing many layers while moving my body and the cold air kissing its cheeks.
Day Two of the Pieces of Us self-portrait project has us focusing on Hands. These first two days have been a lot of fun because I don’t normally pay much attention to these parts of my body, let alone look for stories to tell about them.
This week I am participating in a self-portrait challenge extended by Ali Edwards called Pieces of Us. The idea is that each day of this week, there is a different prompt to follow as a lens for taking self-portraits. The … Continued